The investigation of Quyuan "being exiled" is a difficult point at issue in researching into Quyuan s life. 屈原放逐问题的研究,是屈原生平研究的一个热点和难点。
Don't change the subject, that's not the point at issue. 别改变话题,那不是争论的焦点。
The other point at issue is the confusion between the Hindu religion and the original religions of the country, before the Indo-European migration, about which we know very little if anything. 另一个焦点是这个国家在印度人的宗教和本土原始宗教上的不确定,我们对印欧人移民之前的事没多少了解。
Genesis of hydrocarbon gas has been the point at issue between organic and inorganic theory. 烃类气体的成因分析,已成为有机说和无机说争论的焦点。
The point at issue is whether she goes or stays. 争执的焦点是她的去留问题。
In recent years, the problem on adding the capital of China's state owned commercial banks has become the point at issue in sphere of learning and policy making group. 近年来,我国国有独资商业银行资本金的补充问题正成为学术界及决策层关注的焦点。
The point at issue is this. 争论的焦点在于此。
Let's come back to the point at issue. 咱们还是回到问题的焦点吧。
In discussing this problem we ought to keep to the point at issue. 讨论这个问题时,我们应该抓住分歧之点。
The point at issue is who is best qualified for the post. 争论之焦点是谁担任这项工作最称职。
In judicial practice of medical malpractice case, expertise is the the point at issue between plaintiff and defendant. 在医疗纠纷案件的审理过程中,原被告争议的焦点往往是医疗技术鉴定问题。
The focal point is how to settle the problem.. The point at issue is whether she goes or stays. 如何解决此问题成为论文的焦点。争执的焦点是她的去留问题。
The point at issue is whether we go to the party. 争论点是我们是否去参加聚会。
Your objections do not touch the point at issue. He went straight to the heart of the matter. 你提的反对意见与问题的实质无关.他一开始就触及问题的实质。
A Reassessment of the Basic Concept and the Point at Issue& The View of Two Aspects in Contemporary Literature Contention; Because of the efficiency of this construction method, the electricity generated is relatively competitive in price. 重评基点和论争焦点&现代文学论争两点论由于它在建造方式上具有见效快的特点,发出的电在价格上也具有较强的竞争力。
The matter at hand; the point at issue. 手头的事务;争论的议点。
Jerry Hawthorne, a lawyer for the Methodists, says: "the point at issue is whether she was a servant of man or a servant of God." 卫理公会的辩护律师,杰里•霍桑说道:“该案件的关键点在于她是为人们服务的,还是为上帝服务。”
In the present time, in our country, the problem whether we should separate the Tax Accounting from the Financial Accounting is the key point at issue. 目前我国关于企业财务会计和税务会计分离与否的问题是会计界和税务部门争论的焦点之一。
Research into construct validity is a point at issue in foreign language testing. 结构效度是语言测试领域中的研究重点之一。
The definition and protection of patients 'right to privacy in clinical instruction have always been the point at issue in press and academic circles. 临床实践教学中患者隐私权的界定与保护一直是舆论界和学术界争论的问题之一。
Marxist's development, Marxist's application in new century and the point at issue and so on. 这一论点实际上关系到马克思主义的实质、马克思主义的发展以及马克思主义在20世纪的应用和争论的焦点等诸多问题。
The difference between athlete's heart dilatation and pathological heart dilatation is the point at issue in the research. 运动员心脏增大与病理性心脏增大的区别是该课题的争议焦点。
However, the criminal responsibility of state is still a great point at issue in both theory and practice. 但是,国家的国际犯罪刑事责任问题在理论上却存在着重大分歧,国际司法实践中亦未置可否。
One point at issue in the study and practice as to the burden of proof in the arbitration law is about the relationship between parties producing evidence and the arbitration tribunal investigating and collecting evidence on its own initiative. 关于当事人举证与仲裁庭查证的关系问题是我国仲裁法学举证责任制度理论研究与实践中的争论的焦点。
But the anti-dumping policy and regulations will hinder the continued development of the export business when they are used frequently, so it becomes a point at issue and brings a lot of friction in international trade nowadays. 但由于被频繁地采用,反倾销政策和规则严重阻碍一国的出口业务的持续增长,成为当今国际贸易中摩擦和冲突的一个热点。
Since the subject Chinese was set up, it has been the point at issue how the teacher can know and improve the learning of the students. 自语文独立设科以来,关于教师如何了解并改进学生学的问题,一直是讨论的焦点。
Speaking for Russia itself, how to renew its foreign relations and identify its role in the international system, especially in the European continent would be a point at issue in the very act of the transition of the international structure since the end of the cold war. 在冷战结束以来的国际格局转型中,俄罗斯如何重新构建自己的对外关系,以及确定在国际、特别是欧洲大陆国际体系中的地位,成为各界关注的焦点。
The market efficiency is always one point at issue in the fields of finance and investment theories and application, and it is also an important characteristic hypothesis to distinguish behavioral finance and standard finance. 一直以来,市场是否有效在融资和投资理论与实践体系中是争论焦点之一,同样也是行为金融区别于标准金融的重要特征假设。
But with the economic reform, development of capital market and the accounting reform, the spread of earnings management has caused accounting information inconsistent with the facts. Which has become the point at issue. 但随着经济体制的改革、资本市场的发展以及有关会计法规的变化,过度的盈余管理在我国开始蔓延,已经造成严重的会计信息失真,成为全社会关注的焦点。
With the increasing acquaintance of angiogenesis and RA, anti-angiogenesis treatment has been a novel research point at issue. 随着人们对血管生成与RA的了解,抗血管生成治疗成为新的研究热点。